TimberWolf - TBR-D
You are NOT a tank. Leave that to the bigger guys. You are deadly and pretty fast for 75 tons. You can take quite some damage but don't go searching for it (it will come to you soon enough). What you want to do is a) flanking people at distance with your Large Pulse Lasers. That's always fun and when done right can do quite some damage and gets pretty disturbing for the enemy. The second thing you want to do is looking for enemy lights. They are your main target and they are even more fun. That lonesome Jenner that is capping your base can be a rewarding target. Just make sure he really is alone.
Apart from all that, like always: stay with your teammates. Together you are strong!
Apart from all that, like always: stay with your teammates. Together you are strong!
Changelog and maybe a shoutbox coming soon :)